Brendan M
RJ MTM helped enable us to execute the kind of one-on-one service we´re looking for.
It’s the kind of software that is taking our business to a different level, allowing us to avoid being held up in stock and freeing up our cash flow for other uses, difficulties all retailers face during these times.

Darren G
I've been using RJ MTM’s system for nearly 2 years now & I love that the app is easy to use.
Creating custom garments and tailoring them is ridiculously easy. It's definitely taken my business & brand to the next level
How to open a new account?You can follow the below 7-steps to open a new account with us: (1) Click "APPLY FOR A $999 SYSTEM KIT TODAY" (2) Go through our "fit checker" to see if your business use case is a suitable match. (3) If your use case is suitable, you can finish your Round 1 Application in 10 seconds. (4) If your use-case and checkpoints align up at Round 1, you will receive a Round 2 Application link. (5) In Round 2, you will get the chance to share a little bit about your existing or soon-to-exist business. Here, at this stage, you will have the chance to upload ID documentation for review as part of your application. (6) After your Round 2 submission, you will be invited to purchase your very own Custom-Made program. You will be connected to a Customer Success manager whom will connect with you to organise all the finer details of your onboarding. (7) Everything should be wrapped up at this stage and all that remains is to wait patiently for your Custom-Made Menswear System Kit to arrive to your chosen location. Application Time to Completion (1) 5 Seconds (2) 20 Seconds (3) 10 Seconds (4) 10 Minutes Average Wait Time (5) Up to you and your submission speed (6) 48 - 72 Hours (7) 3.5 Weeks
What are the requirements to become a custom-made menswear retailer with RJ MTM?Requirements to signup for your own Custom-Made Menswear System: (1) Account Purchase (2) Provided Documentation Thats it 👌
What is the total cost of signing up for an RJ MTM Platform account and System Kit?$999 USD System Kit + $1,900 USD Wallet Topup Suitable For: (a) Established Businesses with Limited Online Presence (b) Aspiring Businesses with a Strong Online Presence (c) Aspiring Businesses with Limited Online Presence Whether you're an established business looking to strengthen your online presence, or an aspiring entrepreneur building your brand from the ground up, our comprehensive Level 2 is designed to cover all the bases. We offer 3 months of free access to our Marketing Hub, providing the tools and strategies necessary to enhance your visibility and kickstart your Menswear business. Level 2 also includes a Platform Wallet top-up to support seamless transactions and is available for immediate use on all orders. *The top-up amount will be available to be used by you in full for any and all of your future orders. From the moment you receive your System Kit, you will be able to begin using your Wallet credit immediately. The credit top-up is a top-up of your own personal Wallet.
What Documentation do I need to provide?1. Accepted ID Documentation: Driver's License National Passport 2. Name Matching: The name on the provided identification document (see above) must match the name associated to the custom-made system account you create with us. If you are applying on behalf of your company, additional documentation is required to prove you are a full-time employee of the business. This documentation helps us know our customers better allowing us to provide you with the best possible support and resources.
What if I do not have any documentation?If you are unable to provide a valid form of ID documentation then you will not able to sign up and register for your own custom-made platform account.
Can I apply for an exemption for any costs?You can not.
Why do you require a Platform Wallet top-up?The Platform Wallet top-up is a way to ensure that retailers are committed to building a successful menswear business. It also helps us verify that you are serious about your venture. The good news is that this top-up is available for immediate use, so in effect, you are investing into your future orders - making it a win-win situation for both parties.
How often will I need to renew my account?Once you sign up, you have an account for life with us 🚀
Can I ever lose my account?Yes, you can. Accounts can be suspended and terminated. The below is a list of some cases that will cause suspension and termination, however, these are not limited. The following will lead to Account Suspension: (1) No single Orders within a 60-day period (2) Using your account to perform any other operations other than the ones which your account strictly provides you access to achieve (3) Sustained and continued improper submission of orders to our platform, even after feedback has been provided to your brand on how to handle for the mentioned issue(s). The following will lead to Account Termination: (1) No single Orders within a 120-day (4-month) period (2) [repeat offender] Using your account to perform any other operations other than the ones which your account strictly provides you access to achieve (3) [repeat offender] Sustained and continued improper submission of orders to our platform, even after feedback has been provided to your brand on how to handle for the mentioned issue(s). Please note: usage of your account for personal consumption only reasons is strictly prohibited. Any retailer found to be using their account in this manner will be contacted and notified that their account is for business only related trade.
Will I receive notice of account suspension?Absolutely. If there are issues occurring which may lead to an Account Suspension, you will be notified in advance and made well aware of the outstanding issues.
What Products do RJ MTM offer?We offer 11 different products: Jacketing Trousers Shirting Waistcoats Overcoats Trench Coats Bomber Jackets Gilet Vests Chinos Polo Shirts Shorts The above products can be combined in a variety of ways to achieve 'set' products For example: - Jacket + Trousers + Waistcoat = 3-Piece Suit - Jacket + Trousers = 2-Piece Suit
Can I access all 11 of RJ MTM's products?You can not access all 11 of RJ MTM's products. New initial sign-ups are only able to access our Formalwear products, which are: (1) Jacketing (2) Trousers (3) Shirting (4) Waistcoats From these, both singles and sets can be produced. The additional 7 of our single products are accessible as 'Add-on' Packs, but only after you have reached or surpassed a total of 50 Platform orders, after a 90-day period. In this case, you will have unlocked the ability to upgrade to a selection of new product categories of your choice.
Can I add my own Brand Label to my Garments?Of course, you definitely can do this, this is a primary deliverable of our End-to-End Apparel Solution. Your Brand Garment Label will be stitched inside the garments you produce on our platform. To ensure the Brand Label aspect of your request is fulfilled, 1 of the following 3 actions will need to be taken: You have no design and no label. We can design and produce the label for you. You have a design, but no label. We can produce the label for you. You have a design and a label already. You ship the label to us and we store it for you. "Talk with a Team Member" if you want to get further queries you have answered on this topic.
Does RJ MTM offer various types of production quality?Generally speaking, no. All products, regardless of product category, come delivered in the best possible solution, quality, speed and price that we can offer. There is one aspect of our production however, that we can provide control over quality boosting - Suit Jacketing Chest Piece insertion In plain English - Fused, Half-Canvas, Full Canvas. All Jackets come Fused with a lightweight Horse Hair Canvas inserted into it. This is somewhat in the middle of a Fused and Half-Canvas specification. It is not a true Half Canvas. However, the fusing interlining and canvas components we purchase and use are imported and of excellent quality. The end result is a Blazer or Suit Jacket that is very soft & supple in your hands, yet through the canvas chest piece, still offers the wearer a fair amount of structure and draping, when worn. Again, to be clear. This is not a true Half Canvas. In a true Half Canvas, less interlining (or none) would be used on the upper Chest area, and the canvas would be 'floated' into position, tacked and either hand-stitched (if in Southern Italy), or machine stitched, using a KD Stroebel (beautiful machine). We allow you to upgrade your Chest Piece production finishing - from our default to either Half-Canvas or even a Full Canvas - and you can do so dynamically inside our Web App. You can even add charges for this, live, within the Retail Experience - which means that you will never have to memorise extra costs like this during the customer session, or if you have a growing workforce, then you can skip this part on Training, it will be automatic in the Ordering platform so they can focus on providing the best customer service. Get in touch with a team member if you have more questions on this.
"I don't know how to tailor..."No problem, neither did 7 out of 10 stores we signed in the beginning. Our fitting system is so easy to use that our customers tell us after 2 orders, they know all they need to on how to use the fitting system. All you need to know is whether a sized garment looks very good or very bad on your customer, and from there, you modify the garment to make it look better, or not at all, if it already looks superb.
Will there be training on how to use the Master Models?There will be. Inside our Training Center, we have a various range of video tutorials on how to manipulate and modify the fitting Master Models. These videos will serve as strong baseline for getting you up and running in no time with the your Master Models. The core system behind the Master Models (+ and -) is itself intuitive, with full understanding on how to use them being achieved after 2-3 consecutive orders 👌
What is the Tailoring experience like after I receive the garment into store?When you receive the garment into your store, your first step will be to unpack the respective item and examine it for quality defects. Once this is done, you may want to use the handheld steamer we provided inside your system kit to lightly decrease any locations on the garment. You'll probably move to booking a fitting session time with your concerned customer once you know the garment is all perfect and ready for a fitting. During the fitting with the customer, you will have the power of our post-production fitting room, where you can store all fitting and potential alteration results. Accessing the post-production fitting module is extremely simple. Every garment item from RJ MTM comes with a unique QR Code ID tag attached to it. On this tag - aside from the customer's name and ID# - is also a unique QR Code. A QR Code is a black pixelated image which contains a unique URL to a specific web destination. You can open up any Apple iPhone Camera function and hover over the QR Code and it will automatically detect the URL and transfer you directly to the fitting room module for the storing and recording of any alteration or fitting performance details. If you don't have an iPhone, you can download a QR Code Scanner for free from the Android app store. There are many superb free apps available. Why is the Post-Production Fitting Room critical? 1) Cutting fabric on a piece-by-piece basis - as we do for our Custom-Made system - will naturally result in 1-2cm measurement deviations. This is an industry standard and impossible to be rid of. Regardless of whether the discrepancy is causing your customer to want a post-fit alteration, or maybe they have just decided to want to make the garment slimmer or looser - alterations on some Custom-Made garments is inevitable. To execute this for the customer, you are going to need a method in which you can record these measurements in a stable and correct environment. What better place to record them alongside the garment's original pattern draft and finished measurements - both of which we provide to you inside the Post-Production Fitting Room. 2) Very rarely will a customer be a once-off buyer. If you've done your job right, the experience has been unique and enjoyable, the product received did exactly what it said it would do - then this guy is going to be over the moon with the garment (and your service). It only makes logical sense that he would be inclined to purchase again with you in the future, why not after the original experience. When that happens, you are going to need his original product measurements. The Fitting Room also acts as a location to store fitting notes, even if the fit was perfect, maybe the customer feeds back by saying "...and for my next Suit, it would be great if we could...etc". Having the ability to store this key customer feedback and pick the ball up where you left up last is the difference between basic customer service and a truly inspiring customer experience.
Can I buy Accessories from RJ MTM?Unfortunately we do not currently sell any Accessories through the platform. However, this may change in the upcoming future.
Can I create my own fitting sizes?Absolutely! 👌 You may want to achieve this in order to better serve a unique customer niche, or you may just want to deliver Direct-to-Consumers online using a certain specific cut synonymous with your brand - regardless, we will be able to ensure you get your set of sizes for your brand. We satisfy these requests on a case by case basis, and as it is with many other requests, preference is given on basis of customer account lifetime duration and sales-to-date. Keep this in mind when considering your requests.
Do RJ MTM offer a CMT service?I'm afraid we do not.
Where are your Garments made?Mainland China 🇨🇳 Where one of our HQ's are too 😃
"I don't know anything about taking measurements..."Music to our ears! From day 1, we knew that if we really wanted to change the way Small Business owners received and sold Clothing, we would need to create systems that were easy to learn, fast to activate and hard to break. Everyone takes measurements differently, so standardising this aspect of the process is impossible. If you work with a manufacturer who makes you do this, we would be worried. We use a Fitting system that we developed in-house and tested for 5 years before we began to include it in our Worldwide system. We provide you guys with: (a) A set of Master Models i.e. Fixed sized garments that you can use to fit your customer live in store (b) A software platform that connects with the Master Models. With the software, you can modify the Master Models live in front of the customer, and have that modification enter directly into the software. After + and - any location you want, in minutes, you will have performed some major fitting changes, with an extremely low rate of error. We also have camera scanning fail-safe checkpoints built in, just to catch any advanced fitting issues, when and if they arise. Our team will take care of this for you and kindly notify your team through our WhatsApp customer account.
'I don't want to use your App's Camera System'That's ok, no problem 👌 It's not obligatory to have the photos contain photos of your customers. The purpose of the camera scanning function is to provide your business and brand with greater fail safes on achieving high performant garment fits. We understand that tailoring can be dfificult for many brands starting off, so this camera capture feature is a brilliant method to utilise our team to ensure your orders are in the best shape (😉 ) they could be. If it's customer privacy you are worried about, that is great! Just shoot your customer with their head and face cut off. Problem solved 🚀
What kind of range selection do I get when it comes to Style Designs?A huge amount! First of all, we have up to 11 product categories available for production. Each product category has its own flow and container of designs. Every product category comes with a pre-existing wide range of Style Design Customisation options. About 98% of the options are included in the listed pricing of the product too, so you don't need to worry about wanting to offer customers a powerful range of selection, with a bloated surcharge fee. The Future of Menswear is garments built on-demand, by the guy himself, with the Sales person as a guide. He should not be price punished for wanting something unique. That being said, back to the 98% point - that leaves 2% right? Well some Style Designs can be really complex to execute on the production floor. They require extra components and also extra time. Naturally, this takes an affect on the manufacturing overall cost. Again, 2% of all Style Designs in the Web App, so we think you'll be ok 👌 Our Web App does not have a Style Design that you must have? Steps to rectify that: Connect with your WhatsApp Success Manager Share an English basic description of the design (1-sentence) and a high-resolution photo of the design (Google, Instagram, etc). Kindly explain why you need this design included Wait 24-48 hours Your Web App will have the new Style Design Onwards & Upwards you go 🚀
Will my garments have real-buttonholes on them?Absolutely. None of our garments, from any product category, have non-functional buttonholes. On our Suiting for example, our Jackets all come with surgeon cuffs, which include real, functional buttonholes. This is a default in our system, you do not need to request it, and it does not have any add-on surcharges for pricing.
Can I add a Monogram to my Garments?Absolutely you can 😁 Products that currently support monogramming are: Jacketing Shirting Trousers Overcoat Trench Coat Monogramming comes with a micro price surcharge.
What fabric collections do RJ MTM offer?The juicy question 😍 First see below the formation of how we will share all these wonderful cloths with you. Products | Brand | Collection Name | Fabric Composition Formal Wear Suiting | RJ MTM | Essentials | 60% Wool / 40% TR Suiting | RJ MTM | Flex | 70% TR / 20% Wool / 10% Lycra Suiting | RJ MTM | Blacktie | 50% Wool / 50% Poly Suiting | RJ MTM | Pure Wool | 90% Wool / 10% Poly Suiting | RJ MTM | Traveller | Wool & Spandex Blends | Ultra Lightweight Cloths Suiting | RJ MTM | Pure Wool 2 | S100-130 Australian Merino Wool Luxury Suiting | Huddersfield Fine Worsted | Suiting | Full Collection Luxury Suiting | VBC | Suiting | Full Collection Luxury Suiting | Holland & Sherry | Suiting | Full Collection Casual Wear Trench Coats, Bomber Jackets, Gilet Vests, Shirting, Polo Shirts, Drawstring Trousers, Shorts -> RJ MTM -> Spring Summer -> Linen | Silk | Bamboo | Cotton Suiting | Overcoats | Trench Coats | Bomber Jackets | Gilet Vests | Chinos | Drawstring Trousers | Shorts -> RJ MTM -> Four Seasons -> Multi-Weighted Cottons | Wide Nap Corduroys Suiting | Overcoats | Trench Coats | Bomber Jackets | Gilet Vests | Chinos | Drawstring Trousers | Shorts -> RJ MTM -> Autumn Winter -> Multi-Weighted Flannels
What will the fabric books I get look like?We are really serious about how we design and produce our Fabric Swatch books 📚 It is unacceptable in our viewpoint, to deliver Swatch Books that are fold-out folders that contain small pieces of Fabrics that are bent back on each other and stuck into the folder. It makes the fabric difficult to engage with and detracts from the customer getting a clear view of how the fabric cloth will look like. We see this type of finish as completely pointless, as the whole reason for your customer opting for a Custom-Made garment is to go through the process of specifially choosing something for himself that he likes, and having that produced and made just for him. Our Books not only come designed with your Brand Label and artwork finished on the outside, but you also get a choice of colours for your book as well. The inside of the books come finished with sleek informative sticker finishes, highlighting a small intro on every collection, what type of customer the collection is perfect for, and what the collection contains. There are also some care labels and recommended product sketches contained in the sticker, helping your sales staff and customers get a clearer understanding of every single collection's best use-cases. In summary, it will be joy for you to roll out your fabric books and you will come to see them as the center piece of your Made-to-Measure, Custom-Made brand experience 🚀
If I want to, can I purchase all of your Luxury Fabric books outright?Unfortunately, no. 😢 Getting access to our range of Luxury International Mills is more than just the cost of producing these books - although that certainly is a factor. We restrict access to Luxury Fabric books for new System sign-ups because, generally speaking, for most of you, this will be a relatively new experience. This means that naturally enough, there will be a learning curve. And with all learning curves, mistakes will occur. Although our System, our Training Center and our Team, will do our utmost best to protect you from these mistakes, there is only so much we can help with. So, in the beginning, if and when you do make a mistake, there is a stark difference between making a mistake on a Pure Wool Suit, and a S120-S140 cloth from 🇬🇧 UK's Holland & Sherry, that may even have traces of Cashmere in it. Re-making this Suit to ensure your customer is 100% satisfied after a mistake was made will hurt a lot, which in turn, will leave a sour taste in your mouth regarding the experience. 😡 It is exactly this type of event in which we are trying to protect you against. After a short period of time using our System, placing Orders, Fitting Customers, and getting a general positive experience with the whole entire workflow, the conversation of supplementing your Fabric Swatch Book collection with Luxury Mills is one that we will thoroughly welcome and enjoy supporting you with. Until then, get started asap, get selling and get some orders under your belt. ✌️
"I want to partner up with you guys, but you don't have a Fabric supplier I work with..."Cool, no problem, we understand this pain. Share the name of the supplier and we will notify you within 48 hours if there is a possibility of the supplier being added or not.
"My customers don't really see the value in picking fabric and designs..."Fair enough, different strokes different folks. But what about you? Do you enjoy buying set sizes, styles and fabric from your wholesale supplier? How do you manage to ensure your business is always staying one step ahead of your competitor if you and your competitors are all buying the same stuff from the same Wholesaler? Would receiving garments on-demand, when and if you need them, not be a lot more friendlier on your bank account? Don't forget, our products are priced to equal RTW pricing in your local region! It's not a question of if you can support pricing, it's more when you will make the transition?
What is a System Kit?A System Kit is a collection of tools and instruments that we produce and assemble on your behalf, which when deployed in ypur Retailer Store, or as a Mobile Travelling Tailor, will give you everything you need to deliver a professional and sleek Retail experience, along with a robust fitting solution. The System Kit is a critical asset that is the difference between making Custom-Clothing work, and having the end-to-end solution fail and fall apart. What you want is to get started right and only focus on getting customers in your Store. The System Kit allows you to do exactly that 👌
Why do I need a System Kit?100% 👍 The System Kit is a critical asset that is the difference between making Custom-Clothing work, and having the end-to-end solution fail and fall apart. Without it, there are so many moving parts, that are near-to-impossible to balance. From fabric selection, to fabric codes, to presentation, to customer fitting models, to taking photos and offering style designs - these are just a few of many solutions that the System Kit contains, in ensuring your have a powerfully robust Menswear Custom-Made solution.
Can I work with RJ MTM without a System Kit?At the moment, unfortunately not 😢 The System Kit is a critical asset that is the difference between making Custom-Clothing work, and having the end-to-end solution fail and fall apart. Without it, there are so many moving parts, that are near-to-impossible to balance. From fabric selection, to fabric codes, to presentation, to customer fitting models, to taking photos and offering style designs - these are just a few of many solutions that the System Kit contains, in ensuring your have a powerfully robust Menswear Custom-Made solution.
What does the System Kit contain?So, by purchasing a System Kit, you receive access to your own Custom-Made Menswear End-to-End Solution. Access is delivered in 2 parts: (1) Physical Items (2) Software Part (1) It is part (1) that we need to custom-create for you and ship half way around the World. The contents of part (1) is what enables both you to deliver supremely simple, yet powerfully enjoyable, Menswear Custom-Made experiences. We have created a range of tools, that when applied in-Store or as a Travelling Tailor, will allow your customers the chance to view styles and choose fabrics, and allow you to ensure that your fits are on point. These contents include, but are not limited to: FITTING MODELS 8 * FITTING JACKETS 8 * FITTING TROUSERS 8 * FITTING WAISTCOATS 8 * FITTING SHIRTS BUTTONS 33 PHYSICAL BUTTON SELECTIONS Buttons will be available to feel and engage with in your hand. They will not be fixed to a piece of cardboard which makes them unable to touch properly. IN-STORE FABRIC BOOKS (collection names are used) 3 * ESSENTIAL 2 * PURE WOOL 2 * TRAVELLER 2 * PURE WOOL 2 2 * SHIRTING 1 * LININGS 1 * COATING 1 * FOUR SEASONS 1 * AUTUMN WINTER 1 * SPRING SUMMER MARKETING STORE POINT OF SALE SIGNAGE Part (2) Part (2) refers to all of the intangibles that come together to not only make this experience smooth, seamless and enjoyable, but also work. It includes, but is not limited to: SOFTWARE UNLIMITED ACCOUNTS FREE UPGRADES FOR LIFE MARKETING INSTAGRAM PHOTOGRAPHY (STARTER PACK) SUPPORT VIDEO TRAINING CENTER EMAIL CUSTOMER SUPPORT If you have any further follow up queries on the System Kit, you can contact one of our Customer Success Managers to get further support.
Do I need to ever re-buy the System Kit?Never 🙌 When you buy our System Kit once, you have it for life. There are no annual recurring fees or any kind of renewal fee. The only time you may want to replace any component of the System Kit is perhaps if your Master models get a bit of wear-and-tear, or if your Shirt models, which were previous crisp White, have become a little "less-white". In this case, we would help you produce a new set of whatever you wanted, and this would come at a much smaller cost than the System Kit. Usually this is undertaken after about 2 years of first getting the System Kit.
Do other Custom-Made Manufacturers offer 'System Kits'?Every Custom-Made should offer one type of a 'System Kit'. They may call it by another name, as System Kit is a term that we use at RJ MTM, but every Manufacturer must offer something. The main elements which should be included in any System delivery for Custom-Made would be as follows: (1) Fabric Books (2) So me form of measuring technique (3) Some form of style / design selection -------------------- (1) Fabric books We have seen Manufacturers offer fabric books that ultra high-end, and some that are desperate. The books depend a lot of the Manufacturers resources and how committed they are to providing long-term robust support with respect to fabrics and branding. Typically, you should not be settling for anything less than a 24cm * 16cm fabric swatch book, with your brand name printed on the front. The book must be executed in a minimalistic, stylish manner, with identifiably clear text labels, that greatly assist your staff when taking books out for customer presentation. Big warning signs that your Manufacturer is cutting corners (no pun intended) is if they send you some narrow, long, fabric card book, with tiny fabric swatches folded back on each other, and with a total selection of maybe 30-40 fabric numbers. Even worse than this is some plasticated 10cm * 10cm swatch book, with no branding at all. -------------------- (2) Measuring Things start to get a bit wonky here 😂 We have heard and seen some cowboy stories about Manufacturers requesting some obscure measurement points. But obscure measurements aside, the big 800-pound gorilla is: Everyone measures slightly different, every single time they measure This means that if you have 10 guys in a room, all with the exact same body measurements and then you have 10 different people measuring these fine chaps, you are going to get 10 unique measured outputs. This issue does not cross over into the Bespoke world, because in true Bespoke environment, your Master Tailor is going to be creating a couple of baste skeletons before you even get remotely near the finished garment, so he will have a multitude of opportunities to modify the measured mistake he may have made (may). You don't get that chance with Custom-Made, or Made-to-Measure. This is especially compounded when you factor in the labour costs of local Alteration services in the United States and European Union. Trust me, Alterations because of measuring inconsistencies will destroy your margins. I won't reveal too much about how we handle this, but suffice to say, you need to work with a Manufacturer who can simply and clearly proof to you that measuring and fitting your customers will be a walk in the park. -------------------- (3) Style Designs Style designs is one element that Manufactures across the board tend to be fairly strong in. I mean, if your sole product is based on Custom-Made prowess, you would want to be right? 😂 With this in mind, just because all Manufacturers are at a strong level, does not mean there are key differences. For example: some manufacturers may take longer than others to react to certain Style Design trends that are taken place on Instagram through the growing Menswear scene there. (see Spalla Camicia Shouldering as a superb example) In summary though, Style Designs should be an area where you should be getting full and optimal coverage on as a Retailer.
How do I place orders with RJ MTM?Any Menswear brand, store or Tailor signing up to use our system will get full access to our Web platform. It is here that all our Retail partners will be taking appointments and placing orders. When you have a new customer, opening an order live in the Web App is fast and simple. All designs can be shown live to the guy and your sales staff can easily walk him through the various category of garment designs. Using a Fitting Garment system that we provide to your brand when you sign up, all Tailoring modifications are also handled inside the Web App, in an extremely simple and straightforward manner. Once the New Order elements of Fabric, Tailoring and Style Design selection are chosen, the final step is to submit the order. Once submitted, your job is done. That order slots itself over in the "Awaiting Payment" section of the Web App and you, or your staff, can action that at any time you like. We have spent over 5 years combing through the New Order process, over and over, constantly refining it, removing steps that were unnecessary, adding components that make the process more robust - the result is an extremely streamlined, simple and fast process, that allows you to spend more time with the customer, instead of making the software work.
Will there be training on how to use the Web App?There will be. Inside our Training Center, we have a various range of video tutorials on how to perform various functions throughout the Web App. These videos will serve as strong baseline for getting you up and running in no time with the Web App. The application itself is also extremely intuitive, with most areas being self-explanatory 👌
What happens if I make a mistake with the order?Good question! An order contains 3 elements: 1) Fabric 2) Fit 3) Designs --------------- 1) If you enter the wrong fabric code into the system, there is no way for us to detect this. So, don't do this. Double check all entered codes match their respective fabric swatch cloths. --------------- 2) The fitting process can be split into 2 sub-sections: (a) Simple mods - longer and shorter; bigger or slimmer. Using the fitting system we provide, it is very difficult to make a mistake here, as this is the core customer proposition of what you are offering, so naturally you are going to spend time ensuring the fit of the testing garment is as good as it can be. However, everyone misses a place or two, or forgets to modify a certain location. To handle this, we have inserted a camera capture failsafe into the ordering process, which must be utilised for every single order. This will allow our cutting & customer success team to ensure that no serious mistakes are being made to orders, and to also provide some key tailoring recommendations on customer orders. (b) Complex mods - arched backs, re-pitched arms, protruding shoulders, flat bums, short/long torsos Using the same camera capture feature, we will also spot these complex fitting requirements and immediately correct the order pattern block to take these into account. In summary, we have processes and failsafes in place which drastically increase the fitting performance and robustness of the system, which result in very few fitting errors getting all the way back into your hands. --------------- 3) Another failsafe module which is a favourite of all our Retailers is the Design Validations. In short, we have designed and assembled a set of Design rules for the style section of the system, which when deployed, result in a near impossibility chance of our Retail Partners making a mistake on the Design/Style section of the New Order app. The only mistake that is possible here is recommending a certain design to a customer, only for them to turn around and tell you they don't like it on the finished product. I'm afraid we won't be able to help you here.
What happens if I need to have a remake?In over 5 years of RJ MTM's Worldwide operating time, we have had a total of 2 remakes. 1st: The Retail Partner entered the wrong fabric code 2nd: The customer gained 9kg in the time between appointment and fitting during Covid lockdown, he could not close the Jacket and the Trouser Waist could not be expanded enough. In 5 years. The fitting system is build for sales staff with little to no Tailoring experience. It's easy to get right, once you follow the steps (which are also easy). You should never have a remake. Ever.
Will RJ MTM support integration for existing customer profiles into our system?Absolutely 🎉 You've worked hard building your database, making customers happy, and delivering a solid product experience. We get it! We will work with you to see how your data is compiled and archived, and figure out what the best method is to initiate the integration. Do keep in mind that data from company to company is stored and maintained a wide array of methods, so we will need to handle this via a Custom pathway and there may be extra charges for this.
Can I make a sample garment first before committing to the system?Absolutely! In fact, we recommend this. There will be no better method for you to validate the product than with your own eyes and in your own hands. There are 3 things to note about this process: 1. The cost iwill be twice the cost of a regular wholesale price 2. No control over style designs will be offered 3. Choice of fabric is possible from our online Sample Catalogue (we will provide) 4. You won't have access to our fitting system, so achieving a 'perfect fit' is not the objective here You may provide some basic body measurements (or finished garment measurements) to us in Centimeters, along with a choice of a fabric from our online digital collection (which we will share with you), but in the end, the sample garment process serves only as a pure check on production quality - not fit. To proceed directly to making a sample garment, please get in touch with us via the Contact Us page.
As an existing customer, how do I contact RJ MTM if I need help?All Menswear Brands, Stores and Tailors who sign up to our system, get full access to our Support Center. Through the Support Center, Retailers can avail of a large range of available categorical supports and get support responses within 24-72 hour periods.
Will RJ MTM train me, or my team, on Menswear styles?I'm afraid not. Although we provide your brand and your team with a vast array of style design selections, it is not possible for us to train or educate you guys on what you should pick. This is anti-thesis to a Custom-Made system, in which, such a system should allow unique and individual garments to be created by sales staff and customers Worldwide. If we were to impress our preferences and recommendations on you guys, it would nullify the impact and power of the system in your hands. The good news is: You have Instagram 📸
How can I find out the status of an order in the system?Retailers can hop right into the Web App and check out their Gantt Chart - an order management tracking tool contained in the "Order Tracking" section. The chart will offer you a top-down overview of all your orders and at what stage of assembly, production or delivery they are in. For example: if you are worried about any delays, you can monitor the status of the order on a daily basis. If you want to locate the garment during it's DHL Worldwide transit, you can also do this directly from within the Gantt chart. Checking the Gantt chart will take 35 seconds.
Can I call you?No. We do not support a customer call service. At the moment, we have a team of Customer Success Managers who are dedicated to getting you as much success with our RJ MTM System and Platform as you possibly can get.
Is Customer Support included in my account when I signup?Support is included for issues related to orders your brand places on our platform. You brand will have access to our Support Center, where you will be able to open tickets under a wide range of categories in fast and convenient manner. Our Support Center response times are between 24-48 hours.
What is the RJ Marketing Hub Program?The RJ Marketing Hub Program is designed to be a comprehensive suite of resources tailored for marketing and elevating your Custom-Made menswear brand. This multi-tiered program provides you with an array of tools aimed at increasing your brand's visibility and expanding your reach. By participating in this program, you can concentrate on delivering exceptional service to your customers and scaling your business, while we take care of bolstering your online presence. Program Tiers and Features Basic - $28.00 USD per Month Gain access to 48 high-resolution photos, divided among four categories of posts, enhancing the visual appeal of your social media platforms. Premium - $149.00 USD per Month Includes all the benefits of the Basic package, plus: A total of 16 expertly crafted posts per month to keep your audience engaged. Support for two key social platforms: Instagram and Facebook, ensuring your presence where it matters. Professionally written, brand-specific copy designed to resonate with your audience. Custom-curated hashtags aimed at boosting local visibility and engagement. Pro - $229.00 USD per Month Encompasses all Premium offerings, with additional advanced features: Detailed monthly performance metrics, giving you insights into your brand's online impact. Personalized recommendations and support for connecting with local influencers, leveraging their reach to enhance your brand's exposure. This tiered structure ensures there's a suitable option for every stage of your business's growth, from establishing a foundational online presence to expanding your reach through strategic partnerships and advanced analytics. Choose the level that best suits your current needs, with the flexibility to upgrade as your brand evolves.
Will RJ MTM help provide print and photo Marketing assets?You will get an initial set of 16 complimentary high resolution images for digital use, as well as some basic Point-Of-Sale materials. If your brand requires additional branding and marketing assistance, the RJ Marketing Hub contains a range of social, branding and visual merchandise services that many of our Retailers love to take advantage of. Please reach out to enquire further.
Can we design and produce branded garment labels for your brand?Yes, we certainly can!
Can RJ MTM assist if I need Product Packaging support?We have some amazing Product Packaging solutions. Aside from the existing branded packaging that comes as included with your existing Custom-Made products from us, we also have additional advanced services that our Retail Partners can take full advantage of. As a service from the RJ Marketing Hub product, Product Packaging solutions also come with the option to have our team Design for you. This means that you can simple issue a brief to the Marketing Hub team for a particular pain or problem you are looking to solve, and the Hub team will curate a range of visual solutions for your brand. Once decided on, this packaging will be used for all, or a certain range, of your brand's Custom-Made products in the future.
Can RJ MTM help with creating an Online Website presence?We certainly can, and have done so many times for Menswear brands located around the World. The initial process will involve getting to understand your needs and requirements with regard to the online website, as this will greatly impact the direction the design and architecture of the website. A website for brand and service awareness, or a complex one for eCommerce integration - all avenues will be explored before making the final decision on the path forward for your Menswear brand.
Do RJ MTM provide some kind of in-store setup?We do. We provide a basic setup to get you started right out of the box - literally. Included in your system box delivery will be: A collection of Own-Branded fabric books Your brand's Fitting Garments Stands to support Tablet devices for the Web App Handheld steamer to decrease any arrival garments Point-Of-Sale Photography for the Custom-Made section of your store A range of Tailoring accessories like a Tape, Pin Bun and Pins If your brand needs additional Marketing support, get in touch with our team right away as you may be interested in taking advantage of our Marketing Hub product.
What are some recommended pricing points?Superb question 👌 The answer of course depends on what products we are talking about here, and suffice to say we have a large range of products available for Customisation. Let's cover the favoruites! 3-Piece Suit Average Retail Price from your brand should be: $429.00 USD on our lower end collection, if you are just getting started $499.00 USD on our medium collection, with 60-days experience of customer and fitting support $699.00 USD on our medium-high collection, with a strong customer service $889.00 USD for our upper end collection, with a well-trained and premier customer service For our Luxury Fabric Mill collections, 3-Piece Suit starts at $999.00 USD Recommended Retail Price (RRP) This should serve as a solid benchmark to help understand where you could begin selling at.
How long does your production take?Different products and different collections have various delivery times, but in short: Suiting: 13-14 Days Blazers: 13-14 Days Shirting: 10-11 Days Trousers: 10-11 Days Waistcoats: 12 Days Overcoats: 14 Days Bomber Jacket: 14-15 Days Chinos: 10 Days Drawstring Trousers: 10 Days Shorts: 10 Days Polo Shirts: 12 Days
Can I express a garment with RJ MTM?You can. Express options are available on a limited basis and can be requested at any time from within the Web app. Express options will speed up the completion of a garment and will result in the garment getting into your hands faster. Express options come at a surcharge price and are available on a limited basis.
How do we ship our RJ MTM garments?Now we're talking! DHL Worldwide Express | 2-3 Day Delivery (EU, US, AUS). All garments come bagged & tagged with your own branded labelling material, which will allow you to leverage these assets to increase your branding presence in front of your customers.
Is Delivery free?Garment delivery is free for all products, however, not all products ship at the same time. The following below products ship immediately, when clearing their last checkpoints: 3-Piece Suits 2-Piece Suits Single Blazers Overcoats Trench Coats Bomber Jackets This means that when any of the items above are finished production, and they have passed all their respective checkpoints, then the garment will move to Outbound Shipping immediately. The following below products will not ship immediately, when clearing their last checkpoints: Shirting Waistcoats Trousers Chinos Polo Shirts This means that when any of the items above are finished production, and they have passed all their respective checkpoints, they will be stored in our Inventory Hold awaiting 1 of the following 2 conditions to become satisfied: 1) A garment which does have a Free DHL Shipping condition becomes available to ship. In this case, your non-Free item will partner up with the Free item and ship out directly 2) The total combination weight of your non-free DHL items in our Inventory Hold reach or surpass a 2.00kg weight limit. When this case occurs, all non-free DHL items will pair up together and ship out in the next available shipping slot.
Are there Custom's charges involved with receiving Deliveries?This varies region by region. European Union 8/10 Deliveries have €0.00 EUR charges 1/10 Deliveries have €5-7 EUR charges 1/10 Deliveries have €10+ EUR charges USA 9/10 Deliveries have $0.00 USD charges 1/10 Deliveries have $10-15 USD charges Norway 4/10 Deliveries have NOK 0.00 charges 3/10 Deliveries have NOK 155 charges 3/10 Deliveries have NOK 200+ charges Australia 10/10 Deliveries have $0.00 AUD charges
How much do our garments cost?3-Piece Suiting starts at $199 USD 2-Piece Suiting starts at $165 USD Blazers start at $139 USD All 3-Piece, 2-Piece and Blazers come with FREE DHL Worldwide Shipping.
What Currency do RJ MTM accept?All our customers Pay As They Go, in the Currency of their region. Let's break it down... Your business is located in USA, You pay us in US Dollar ($) Your business is located in the EU, You pay us in Euro (€) Your business is located in Norway, You pay us in Norwegian Krone (NOK) Your business is located in Sweden, You pay us in Swedish Krone (SEK) Your business is located in Denmark, You pay us in Danish Krone (DKK) Your business is located in Australia, You pay us in Australian Dollar (AUD) Through our "Pay As You Go" model, we free up your business cashflow, allowing for reinvestment in your brand marketing or hiring new talent. When you need to process an order with us, you can pay for the order right inside our app. It takes 3 seconds and consists of 3 clicks - it's ridiculously convenient.
What is the Payment Process?4-Steps 1) Go to Current Orders. 2) Single select, or batch select, the respective orders you want to settle by clicking the small "Red" Circle beside them. 3) Choose to use your "Wallet" function if you have an available balance, or pay using one of our available payment methods for your region. 4) Confirm Payment Done ✅ Thanks for your business 😉
How to I get access to all my invoices from payments made?Easy! 1) In the Home section, click "My Account" located in the top right hand corner 2) Select "Account Transactions" 3) Select the respective Month for which you want to review the transactions for Bonus: Opt to Export Invoices for a particular time period to share with your Accountant or colleague in Finance, in either CSV, PDF or Excel format.
How do I handle the Retail price for all of the products I want to sell?One of our favourite features 💖 Our system automatically handles all pricing for all of your Custom-Made products, from both the Wholesale Trade perspective, and also the Customer Retail perspective. This means that when your salesperson, or yourself, are handling an appointment with a customer, and the gent chooses a particular combination of products, in a particular fabric collection - the system will auto-detect the collection and combo and return you a real-time Retail price, in your region currency, of which you can immediately feedback to your customer. The Wholesale Trade price is - for obvious reasons - kept far away from the "New Order" process. Benefits 1) If you need to hire more staff to grow your business, price training will be non-existing for you. The system already has it coded in. 2) No need for complex pricing arrangements, or funny stickers on the back of your fabric books. This is traditionally how many Tailoring store brands handle pricing. 3) Consistency in pricing = consistency in comms. Nothing worse than 2 friends getting 2 different 3-Piece prices. 😭
Do you accept Debit & Credit Cards?We do 👍 Through Stripe, we accept: + Debit Cards + Credit Cards + SEPA Transfer (EU Only) We do not accept: + ACH Payments + Wire Transfers + Coupons + Gift Cards If your business needs to pay via one of the above non-accepted methods, we do support manual receiving of funds this way, and these funds will be transferred into a positive Wallet balance in our System. However, please note, that this normally takes 24-48 hours to complete. So should you have an urgent order in your System, and be without a sufficient Wallet Balance to execute your order, you may run into a delay in delivering to your customer.
Where can I get a full pricing list?You can get a full pricing list after you sign up to become a user of our System by purchasing one of our System Kits. If you have queries on pricing before you want to purchase a System Kit, that is fine, we totally understand. You can reach out to us via "Talk to a Team Member" and we would be happy to get you more info on pricing. Please note, we will not be providing you with a full price list.
"MTM is a nightmare, tried it and it's not for me"Yeah, we bet! We've seen some horrific MTM systems and heard even worse customer stories. There are some cowboy's out there and sadly, they give the MTM industry a bad name. If you consider us to be one of the traditional MTM suppliers, this would be a big mistake. We are different in pretty much every single way. We may offer products that are fully tailorable, customisable and delivered on-demand, and our production quality may resemble that of MTM companies, but we offer a huge variety of small business software features for free, so not only support your Apparel side of the business, but also the operational, marketing and financing side of it too. Check out "What We Can Do For Your Brand" or "Talk With a Team Member" to learn how we can save and make you money, while lowering your time spent working in the business.
"I already have an MTM partner..."Amazing, we hope they are treating you like the superstar you are! Onboarding our system into your store is the cost of a night out with your other half. So, if your current MTM partner doesn't appreciate your business, perhaps it's time to find a new one to partner up with?
Get your custom-made menswear noticed with RJ Marketing Hub.
This straightforward program is all about giving your brand the edge it needs, online.
3 Months Marketing Hub (Premier Version) for Free with all System Kit Purchases

Quality Photos
48 standout photos each month that showcase your brand at its best.
Hands-Free Posting
Up to 16 tailor-made posts every month, keeping your pages fresh and engaging. We will handle the content, text copy and the daily posting for your brand, so you can focus on sales and customers.
Platform Focus
We cover Instagram and Facebook, hitting your customers where they hang out.
Wider Audience Reach
See your brand discovered by more potential customers daily.

Direct Sales Boost
Turn clicks into customers with engaging posts that lead to immediate sales increases.

Customer Loyalty
Build a community of repeat buyers through consistent, captivating online presence.